High volume recruitment has gotten more challenging. The talent landscape has shifted. Compensation is skyrocketing and more companies are focused on automation and AI to shorten the hiring process, while additionally concentrating on skill-based hiring rather than requiring candidates to hold specific degrees and certifications.
Companies with high volume hiring needs are in intense competition with each other as they strive to differentiate themselves and attract the best talent, all while navigating competing priorities and working to ensure strong talent retention.
Watch the recording of webinar with Jeanette Leeds, Kelly Burlage, Amber Colwell and Christin Warmbold as they discuss how their teams are successfully managing high requisition loads while delivering excellent experiences to their candidates and stakeholders.
Key discussion points of this webinar include:
- Creating a recruitment process balancing speed and quality
- Effectively using technology in high volume recruitment
- The value of human touch
- A strategic approach to High Volume Hiring