Date and Time
- 28-29 March 2022
- 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM MST
Renaissance Phoenix Downtown
For over six years, ProcureCon Contingent Staffing has brought together the top minds in HR and procurement to meet, learn, and build winning people strategies. AMS was delighted to sponsor this in-person event in sunny Phoenix, AZ, where Mark Jones, our Executive Vice President, Contingent Labor & Commercial, Americas moderated an interactive roundtable:
Building Your Roadmap for Direct Sourcing
Direct Sourcing has quickly become a key component of many organizations’ talent strategy. 41% of companies plan to implement a direct sourcing program, according to a recent study by Ardent Partners. Where to start? In this roundtable session, participants explored and brought a variety of perspectives to the:
- Why do some programs fail
- Common obstacles and avoidance strategies
- How and when to engage curation, employer of record and technology partners and it what order
- Considerations to determine the best fit
- Models for success
- Building and selling an internal business case
- Who to engage in the planning and decision making